Monday, August 18, 2008

I love it when things coincide!

The other day Savannah read a section out of the Christian Liberty Nature reader about butterflies. It talked about how they lay their eggs on cabbage leaves, but they'd never eat cabbage. We then read the first story out of Parables From Nature about the exact same thing. The parable was about a butterfly who entrusted her eggs to a lowly caterpillar right before she died. The caterpillar fretted because she had no idea how to care for beautiful winged creatures. She asked the Lark what she should do and the Lark came back telling her that the eggs would turn into caterpillars and better yet, one day soon she'd be a butterfly herself. She wouldn't believe it until one day the eggs hatched and there they were, hundreds of tiny caterpillars. It gave her hope for her future as a beautiful butterfly. It really is a beautiful story and it was so neat that the two stories went together.

We also read about honey bees and looked up pictures on the internet of honey bees with their little pollen sacs full of pollen (hence my current header photo). God is truly amazing with his Creation. The intricate details of honey bees and how they carry pollen from plant to plant while benefiting themselves and their colony. It's nothing shy of awesome!

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