Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wasps vs. Hornets

There are many questions we've been pondering seems to be a general theme that we've been wondering the differences between two different creatures ie: wasps vs hornets, alligators vs crocodiles, cicadas vs. locusts. I'll try to find out as much as I can, although so far all I've found is that hornets are generally larger than wasps and they are both classified as yellow jackets.



Cicadas are very interesting creatures--they actually live underground for 17 years before emerging and climbing a tree to lay their eggs. Fascinating. Apparently they do less damage than locusts, but they're often confused for locusts. Cicadas also shed their skin on the trees they lay their eggs in, so if you ever see a tree covered in bug skins, they're probably from cicadas.

As far as alligators and crocodiles go, I'll have to attack (no pun intended) that one thing I have learned is that South Florida is the only place on earth that alligators and crocodiles both live in their natural habitats. Note to self: do not go on vacation to South Florida.

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